- Who is that man with white hair and dark eyes? 那位白头发黑眼睛的人是谁?
- Who is that man standing in her side? 站在她旁边的那个人是谁?
- Who is that man signing books over there? 在那里签名的那个男人是谁?
- Who is that fat man? He is my uncle. 那位胖男子是谁?那位是我叔叔。
- We were robbed by that man who is standing there. 站在那里的那个人掠夺我们的财物。
- Who is that tall girl? That is Mary. 那位高女孩是谁?那位是玛丽。
- Excuse me, ma'am, do you know that man who is wearing a black hat. 请问这位女士,请问您认识那个带黑帽子的先生吗。
- Who is that strange man over there? 那边的陌生人是谁?
- Polly must be out of her mind to marry that man who is broke. 波莉一定是疯了;才会跟那个一文不值的男人结婚.
- Who is that fat man standing at the back? 站在后面的那个胖子是谁?
- Who is that young man in uniform? 那个穿制服的青年人是谁?
- Who is that man? 那人是谁?
- A: Why is that man standing in front of the band? 那个人为什么站在乐队的前面?
- Unit 7 Who Is That Man There? 第7单元那边的那个人是谁?
- Is that man with a suitcase Mr. Read? 那个拿手提箱的人是里德先生吗?
- Who is that man over there? 那边的那个人是谁?
- One is that man’s best friend droops in the heat. 一个现象是,人类最忠诚的朋友在炎热中总是萎靡不振。
- Who is that man ? 那人是谁?
- Its tagline: 'Is that man the devil or a savior? 剧中常出现的一句话是“那人是魔鬼还是救星?”
- Who is that short boy? That is Bill. 那位矮男孩是谁?那位是比尔。